Monday, October 31, 2011

MS Office 2010: Resize and Rotate Pictures With Your Keyboard

Looking to change the size of a picture, Clip Art or drawing shape that you’ve inserted into an Office 2010 file? Maybe you’re looking to increase the size of one element in your SmartArt?
It’s a bit of a pain… select the object, be sure to slowly move the mouse pointer over a corner or side handle so you can click, hold and drag to the new size at just the right moment (when the cursor turns into a double-sided arrow).
Or… what about when you want to rotate one of these things? Now we’ve got to be sure to grab the little green handle since anything else will re-size it instead of rotating it.
If you hate all that handle holding then you might want to give these quick key combinations a try.
For any of this to work you’ll need to select the object. (If you’re working with a text box be sure to select the text box and not click into it to edit text.)
Shift + Arrow key will re-size your shape or picture.
  • I found that the up and down keys will increase and decrease the height of the object and the left / right keys control the width.
  • For a picture that had the aspect ratio locked the height and width moved together keeping the re-sizing process from distorting the picture.
Alt + Left / Right Arrow keys will rotate the shape or picture in 15 degree increments.
Earth shattering key combinations to cut our workload in half?
Useful tricks in the never-ending quest to use the mouse less and the keyboard more?


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