Wednesday, January 18, 2012

QUAKE III is now on Google Android smartphones

QUAKE III teer and Google Android smartphones (video)

Poulyarny 3D shooter Quake III was useshno ortirovan for mobile latformu Android. The project is called kwaak3, it is not already in the catalog oyavilsya Android Market, but the game can already be downloaded from the developer.Quake 3 has been tested mainly on a smartphone Motorola Droid, developer redstavil even a video clip (see rodolzhenii left) with a demonstration of the game. Uravlenie can perform all dostunymi sosob! E: with a touch monitor displays, keyboard or trackball. To handle the three-dimensional graphics technology isolzuetsya Quake 3 OpenGL, and its ince odderzhka oyavilas oeratsionnoy in the Android since version 1.6, it is a minimum requirement for the game. The developer said that Motorola Droid vosroizvodilas it with a frequency of more than 30 frames per second.There is also odderzhka audio, although you can disable it, thus ovysiv performance. According Thunderbird2k, he will work on rodolzhat roject kwaak3 and more otimizirovat game, in particular, the lan! Accelerating quality iruetsya GRAIN! ki 3D graphics.  


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