Monday, January 23, 2012

Murata Girl Robot taught new tricks

Murata Girl Robot taught new tricks (2 videos)
Robot Murata Girl Rochelle lans annual update of the system and found some new talent. She is able to single-wheel eredvigatsya velosiede. And yet teer Murata Girl learned to ride on the narrow rails. Yes, not growth, but curved in the shape of S. I would like to clarify that the thickness of the rail is only 2.5 cm, while the width of the tire is equal to only 1.5 cm, is about a really acrobatic trick! th only the most hardened ovtorit circus. The growth of the robot is 50 cm ri weight of 6 kg. To navigate isolzuet machine built-in camera, the signal is processed with her setsialnym algorithm. He naravlyaet robot on a narrow curve. Prototi will redstavlen yaonskom to show CEATEC October 5.


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