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Friday, January 27, 2012

NASA's Kepler Announces 11 Planetary Systems Hosting 26 Planets

MOFFET FIELD, Calif. -- NASA's Kepler mission has discovered 11 new planetary systems hosting 26 confirmed planets. These discoveries nearly double the number of verified planets and triple the number of stars known to have more than one planet that transits, or passes in front of, the star. Such systems will help astronomers better understand how planets form.

The planets orbit close to their host stars and range in size from 1.5 times the radius of Earth to larger than Jupiter. Fifteen are between Earth and Neptune in size. Further observations will be required to determine which are rocky like Earth and which have thick gaseous atmospheres like Neptune. The planets orbit their host star once every six to 143 days. All are closer to their host star than Venus is to our sun.

"Prior to the Kepler mission, we knew of perhaps 500 exoplanets across the whole sky," said Doug Hudgins, Kepler program scientist at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "Now, in just two years staring at a patch of sky not much bigger than your fist, Kepler has discovered more than 60 planets and more than 2,300 planet candidates. This tells us that our galaxy is positively loaded with planets of all sizes and orbits."

Kepler identifies planet candidates by repeatedly measuring the change in brightness of more than 150,000 stars to detect when a planet passes in front of the star. That passage casts a small shadow toward Earth and the Kepler spacecraft.

Each of the new confirmed planetary systems contains two to five closely spaced transiting planets. In tightly packed planetary systems, the gravitational pull of the planets on each other causes some planets to accelerate and some to decelerate along their orbits. The acceleration causes the orbital period of each planet to change. Kepler detects this effect by measuring the changes, or so-called Transit Timing Variations (TTVs

Planetary systems with TTVs can be verified without requiring extensive ground-based observations, accelerating confirmation of planet candidates. The TTV detection technique also increases Kepler's ability to confirm planetary systems around fainter and more distant stars.

Five of the systems (Kepler-25, Kepler-27, Kepler-30, Kepler-31 and Kepler-33) contain a pair of planets where the inner planet orbits the star twice during each orbit of the outer planet. Four of the systems (Kepler-23, Kepler-24, Kepler-28 and Kepler-32) contain a pairing where the outer planet circles the star twice for every three times the inner planet orbits its star.

"These configurations help to amplify the gravitational interactions between the planets, similar to how my sons kick their legs on a swing at the right time to go higher," said Jason Steffen, the Brinson postdoctoral fellow at Fermilab Center for Particle Astrophysics in Batavia, Ill., and lead author of a paper confirming four of the systems.

Kepler-33, a star that is older and more massive than our sun, had the most planets. The system hosts five planets, ranging in size from 1.5 to 5 times that of Earth. All of the planets are located closer to their star than any planet is to our sun.

The properties of a star provide clues for planet detection. The decrease in the star's brightness and duration of a planet transit, combined with the properties of its host star, present a recognizable signature. When astronomers detect planet candidates that exhibit similar signatures around the same star, the likelihood of any of these planet candidates being a false positive is very low.

"The approach used to verify the Kepler-33 planets shows the overall reliability is quite high," said Jack Lissauer, planetary scientist at NASA Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, Calif., and lead author of the paper on Kepler-33. "This is a validation by multiplicity."

These discoveries are published in four different papers in the Astrophysical Journal and the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Ames manages Kepler's ground system development, mission operations and science data analysis. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., managed the Kepler mission's development.

For more information about the Kepler mission and to view the digital press kit, for visit go here


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Pretty Earth Pics: This Is Our Marble

This Is Your Marble Click here to get a bigger view of this amazing image.NASA/NOAA/GSFC/Suomi NPP/VIIRS/Norman Kuring

In the grand tradition of the awe-inspiring "blue marble" pictures, this newest shot from NASA's recently-renamed Suomi NPP satellite is the sharpest, highest resolution picture of its kind we've ever seen. It's a composite image, combining shots taken of the Earth's surface on January 4th. It's available in a crazybig 8,000 by 8,000 pixel resolution, ideal for murals or screen-printing a large area rug. Check it out in all its glory at NASA Goddard's Flickr stream. [via Gizmodo]

World's Most Powerful X-Ray Laser Super-Heats Aluminum Foil to 3.6 Million Degrees

Creating and observing super-hot solid plasma could lead to a greater understanding of fusion processes
SLAC Chamber This photograph shows the interior of a Linac Coherent Light Source SXR experimental chamber, set up for an investigation to create and measure a form of extreme, 2-million-degree matter known as “hot, dense matter.” The central part of the frame contains the holder for the material that will be converted by the powerful LCLS laser into hot, dense matter. To the left is an XUV spectrometer and to the right is a small red laser set up for alignment and positioning. University of Oxford/Sam Vinko
In two separate studies, the world’s most powerful X-ray laser has been used to build the first atomic X-ray laser pulse, as well as to superheat and control a clump of 2-million-degree matter. The atomic laser could be used to watch biological molecules at work, while the creation of hot dense matter could be used to understand the processes of nuclear fusion.
Researchers at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory used the Linac Coherent Light Source, a rapid-fire X-ray laser, to flash-heat a small piece of aluminum foil and create a solid plasma known as hot dense matter. A team led by Sam Vinko, a postdoc at Oxford University, took the temperature of this matter — 2 million degrees Celsius, or 3.6 million degrees Fahrenheit — and the whole process took about a trillionth of a second. The measurements will lead to more accurate models of how hot dense matter forms and behaves. These models could help scientists understand — and maybe someday recreate — the process of nuclear fusion that fuels the sun, according to a news release from SLAC.
Scientists can create plasma from gases using conventional lasers, but you need a super-powerful laser to create a plasma from a solid material. The LCLS’ ultra-short wavelengths of light can penetrate a dense solid and look at it, all at the same time. The LCLS is underground in Palo Alto and covers a distance of a little more than a mile. It can create intense bursts of X-ray radiation more than a billion times brighter than any other laser source.
In a separate study, the LCLS was harnessed to build the first-ever atomic-scale X-ray laser, a feat that could open up a whole new field of atomic imaging.
Since the laser was invented more than 50 years ago, scientists have tried to lase at shorter wavelengths, but it’s difficult to do because shorter wavelengths require faster atom pumping. But free-electron lasers in the X-ray range can produce superfast pulses of intense energy, so this pumping is now feasible. Scientists from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory used the LCLS to give a pumped-up kick to a cluster of neon atoms. This knocked some electrons up to higher energy states and created a cascade of X-ray emissions — a mini atomic-sized laser.
The atomic laser’s light is much more pure, and its pulses are much shorter, so it could be used to tease out sharp details of atomic-scale interactions and phase changes that would otherwise be impossible to see.
Both papers were published today in Nature.

How to Charge Mobile Phone Battery from a leaf !

Its very Strange But True Very True.

Now, you do not require any mobile charger to charge your mobiles. Only there is need to use green leaf of peepal tree and after some time your mobile will get charged.

No soon the people came to learn this development, they tested it and found encouraging results. If your mobile has been discharged and you are inside a jungle then you need not to use any charger. You Should pluck two peepal leaves and your work would be done.

It is very good idea and easy to charge your mobile. You would have to open your mobile battery and connect it with peepal leaf. After that without shaking mobile set you should set the battery in your mobile set. After some time your mobile would be charged.

Though it is unbelievable but as soon as the residents of Chitrakoot came to know about the discovery they could not believe the news. But when they saw it practically then the incident proved true.

Now hundreds of mobile holders are using this technique and charging their mobiles.
Several persons including proved the incident true.

Whereas according to the botanists, it is just changing mutual energy into electrical energy power can be saved in battery. Similarly, it is also possible. They said that it is the subject of research.

Step by Step guide to charge your mobile battery using peepal leaf
1- Open your mobile cover
2- Take out your battery
3- Take two to three fresh leaves of peepal/pipal/ashwattha tree
4- Touch the stub of these leaves on your mobile battery terminal for a minute
5- Clean the mobile battery terminal with the soft cloth
6- Put your battery again in your mobile and switch it on
7- Now you can see the result
8- If required repeat the process with fresh leaves

How To Charge Mobile Battery From A Leaf ! 

NB: But it can be harmful for your  battery so be-careful 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

iPhone 4G will be longer than 6 mm

iPhone 4G will be longer than 6 mm (3 photos)

Our Company iResQ posted on your site photographs komonentov, rednaznachennyh communicator for iPhone 4G. It is expected that he will communicator redstavlen public this summer, although Apple official statements to this effect did not. According to iResQ, the new iPhone 4G will look somewhat different from redyduschih models iPhone, which had previously been ohozhi each other. "Novelty" riblizitelno to 6 mm long (d! I compare iPhone 3G has a length of 115 mm). In iPhone 4G has a sensor riblizheniya, rasolozhenny over the loudspeaker, and the digitizer rikrelen to dislocations in roizvodstve, which makes more novelty to ohozhey he first iPhone (the iPhone 3G and 3GS was detachable). The source notes that the design of the communicator iPhone 4G may not be final.

iPhone 4G will be longer than 6 mm (3 photos)

iPhone 4G will be longer than 6 mm (3 photos)


RC Spy programmable robot

Programmable robot Radiouravlyaemy shionsky

Odarka great for any child who becomes a robot Spy Video TRAKR, which can be as plain isolzovat radiouravlyaemuyu toy, and as a multi-functional Programmable Robot. Spy Video TRAKR redstavlyaet a small tracked robot equipped with a video camera, microphone and stereo speakers, but relest it is that they can manage not only! omoschyu Ulta uravleniya distance running at 2.4 GHz and equipped with a small monitor displays, but also because redvaritelno loaded rogramme created with omoschyu setsialnogo rogrammnogo obesecheniya. Those parents who wish their child riobresti a toy worth redvaritelno well think again, because the Spy Video TRAKR has a built-in motion sensor and the possibility of shooting at night and on ulti uravleniya a slot amyati SD, on which are stored Receiving photos and videos. In general, you have the time to think again before! October 2010, when the Haji! structed in oyav rodazhe of rimernoy price of $ 120.


Monday, January 23, 2012

The concept of multi-touch table with built-in Apple Mac Mini (7 photos + video)

Kontset multi-touch table with built-in Apple Mac Mini (7 photos + video)

Work on versions redyduschih multitouch table was not possible, they redolagali that you'll just have to stand beside him. A new device called one Touchy Remix Lets you sitting comfortably rasolozhitsya several people. Multitouch-design size 132.5 x 75 x 96,5 cm contains mounted inside the Apple Mac Mini. Surface - a 40 inch screen with WXGA! (1280 × 800) with a brightness of 2,000 lumens. Interact with devaysom can also omoschyu 4 USB-vectors, and pu desire olzovatelya device is equipped with one another connector iPod / iPhone. Video demonstration of the device see below. 
Kontset multi-touch table with built-in Apple Mac Mini (7 photos + video)

Kontset multi-touch table with built-in Apple Mac Mini (7 photos + video)

Kontset multi-touch table with built-in Apple Mac Mini (7 photos + video)

Kontset multi-touch table with built-in Apple Mac Mini (7 photos + video)

Kontset multi-touch table with built-in Apple Mac Mini (7 photos + video)

Kontset multi-touch table with built-in Apple Mac Mini (7 photos + video)

Logitech Wireless Desktop MK710 keyboard

Logitech Wireless Desktop MK710 - 3 years experience in batarykah (2 photos)

Representatives of Addiction Logitech claim that this is he first odobny Included Parts besrovodnoy keyboard and mouse with rodolzhitelnostyu on battery 3 years! This is achieved thanks to the latest algorithms for energy savings, and the validated Addiction, it will not affect the speed and will not cause any noticeable Roble. Logitech Wireless Desktop MK710 works! AET isolzuya radio frequency of 2.4 GHz, p, this company riemnik Logitech Unifying so small that it does not stop even in the laptop. The keys are too firm - Logitech Incurve: slightly concave, to the best of them oadaniya. Logitech Wireless Desktop MK710 oyavitsya in rodazhe later this month on the price of 100 euros per Included Parts.

Logitech Wireless Desktop MK710 - 3 years experience in batarykah (2 photos)

Murata Girl Robot taught new tricks

Murata Girl Robot taught new tricks (2 videos)
Robot Murata Girl Rochelle lans annual update of the system and found some new talent. She is able to single-wheel eredvigatsya velosiede. And yet teer Murata Girl learned to ride on the narrow rails. Yes, not growth, but curved in the shape of S. I would like to clarify that the thickness of the rail is only 2.5 cm, while the width of the tire is equal to only 1.5 cm, is about a really acrobatic trick! th only the most hardened ovtorit circus. The growth of the robot is 50 cm ri weight of 6 kg. To navigate isolzuet machine built-in camera, the signal is processed with her setsialnym algorithm. He naravlyaet robot on a narrow curve. Prototi will redstavlen yaonskom to show CEATEC October 5.

Two new products from SAMSUNG with powerful battery

Two new products from SAMSUNG with powerful battery
Samsung is preparing for two new vyusku netbook models N210 Plus and N220 Plus. Both devices are equipped with 10.1-inch monitor displays with a resolution of 1024 x 600 Ixelles, Ostrow on rotsessorah Intel Atom N450 and isolzuyut integrated graphics Intel GMA 3150. Volume oerativnoy amyati they have the same - 2 GB, and hard drives - Other: 250 GB for Samsung N210 Plus and 320 GB - a Samsung N220 Plus. Both netbooks run one uravleniem oeratsionnoy of Windows! 7 and weighs 1.31 kg. The other characteristics of Samsung N210 Plus and N220 Plus also ohozhi: a 0.3M web camera, 10/100 LAN, besrovodnye adatery Wi-Fi 802.11 b / g / n and Bluetooth 3.0, Card Reader 4-in-1, and 6-cell battery . Moreover, the batteries of different capacities and obesechivayut Samsung N210 Plus up to 14 hours of battery life, and the Samsung N220 Plus - up to 11 hours. The cost starts at $ 350.

Two new products from SAMSUNG with powerful battery

Samsung Sliding PC 7 Series - slider netbook went on sale (video)

Samsung Sliding PC 7 Series - netbook-Ost in rodazhu slider (video)

Netbook slider Samsung Sliding PC 7 Series, which was redstavlen at CES 2011, already in rodazhu Ost. 
At the moment, it can be kuit in several U.S. online stores. It is about a hybrid device that can operate as a netbook with olnotsennoy keyboard, and as lanshet. Characteristics of the model are as follows: 10-inch touch screen with 1366 x 768, rotsessor! Intel Atom Oak Trail Z670 (1,5 GHz), 2GB RAM, SSD 32 GB, two cameras - the main front and 3 M 1.3 M, 802.11b/g/n WiFi. Weight - 1 kg. Device operates one uravleniem Windows 7 Home Premium. As doolnitelnyh otsy vystuayut SSD to 64GB, 3G, WiMax, as well as the battery 6-cell, 9 hours obesechivayuschaya Samsung Sliding PC 7 Series. Price is $ 649.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Hide Files or Folders Using Command Prompt

Trick to hide files and folders using Command Prompt
The most important thing is that, once hidden with this method, the files/folders cannot be viewed by any search options even if you click "Show All Hidden Files and Folders".

Hiding the most wanted files and folders is very important nowadays and it's really a tedious job too. In order to make this tedious job an easy one, i'm going to deliver you a the trick now.

For Example: You have a folder named "collegephotos" and this folder is stored in (Disk Drive E). You think that it should not be seen by strangers who use your PC.

For that you need to follow the following instructions

Press windowkey+R: Run command dialog box appears.
Now type "cmd" and hit enter. A command prompt window displays.
Now type "attrib +s +h E:\collegephotos" and hit enter.
The folder "collegephotos" will be hidden (Note: It cannot be viewed by any search options)

(To view this folder again, use the same command but replace '+' with '-' on both flags 's' and 'h')

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

QUAKE III is now on Google Android smartphones

QUAKE III teer and Google Android smartphones (video)

Poulyarny 3D shooter Quake III was useshno ortirovan for mobile latformu Android. The project is called kwaak3, it is not already in the catalog oyavilsya Android Market, but the game can already be downloaded from the developer.Quake 3 has been tested mainly on a smartphone Motorola Droid, developer redstavil even a video clip (see rodolzhenii left) with a demonstration of the game. Uravlenie can perform all dostunymi sosob! E: with a touch monitor displays, keyboard or trackball. To handle the three-dimensional graphics technology isolzuetsya Quake 3 OpenGL, and its ince odderzhka oyavilas oeratsionnoy in the Android since version 1.6, it is a minimum requirement for the game. The developer said that Motorola Droid vosroizvodilas it with a frequency of more than 30 frames per second.There is also odderzhka audio, although you can disable it, thus ovysiv performance. According Thunderbird2k, he will work on rodolzhat roject kwaak3 and more otimizirovat game, in particular, the lan! Accelerating quality iruetsya GRAIN! ki 3D graphics.  

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

keep files backup automatically

Due to damage or lose the file may be different on your computer. Erroneously deleted or virus-related reasons or due to harddisc crush the computer to delete important files then fall in too much problem. However, if you timely back up files in CD / DVD, network computer or online then you get good opportunity. If any software keep it automatically then how would be feelings ? to download and install the software. The backup software on the menu, select New Backup>Backup Mode> Source>Schedule>save. Thus, you can create multiple backup.Now observed selected folder which keep information according Schedule. Thus, you can backup your files to local disk, network drive / folder, FTP or CD / DVD. Also,it can be backup by compress.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Keep your computer clean from all types of temporary and junk files

Computer has now the part of our daily works. As a result, it is used every day and need to install the new software. So when I install software on Windows its keeps some backup files, which make slow our computers. Which is annoying for everyone. But there are many software tools that are expert  to delete backup files and junk files. One of them is the Advanced Disk Cleaner.

You will be able to download the software from here.

Serial key: MCTKTTTT3AXRX65B3M.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Windows 7 make Genuine by a tricks

 Windows 7 users fall some problem on their using period such as the copy of Windows is not genuine or black screen(if its change wallpaper then its go back to black as like as below picture)
 Then there is no way to resolve this problem without install new windows also its input serial key does not work. You can also resolve this problem DELL,ACCER,SAMSUNG,TOSHIBA etc laptops with unique serial key certificate. To registered for laptop click Advance then chose your laptop Brand,certificate and serial  right side. then click Install.After installed restart your PC you will see your PC is now registered.I hope you would be satisfied my service.
Download Windows 7 Loader click here
Password: jpiblog
Windows 7 Loader screen

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Transparent Windows Mobile phone

Window Phone – concept phone On one hand, clear conceptual phones already, so this is not just the first, but on the other, the so-called Window Phone has one impressive feature – its transparent housing varies depending on the weather! Thus, in the sunny days, the screen will be completely transparent, on a rainy day it will appear «virtual» drop, but it is covered with frost frost. Ie translucent screen will look like as well as present a window into a variety of weather. I do not know how it will be practical, but at least, very original!